Helping you ride the market’s rollercoaster without losing your sanity.
Relative Value Strength
Finding the path of least resistance between currencies can be hard. We’ve simplified that with our Relative Value table.
Finding the Highest Probability Setup based on data
We grade Currencies based on important data releases.
Pair the Strongest VS Weakest currency to find the path of least resistance.
Data Simplified
All the data points and grades are simplified into our watchlist where you can find your Buy or Sell setups.
Pick Your Pairs Carefully
We have over 20 pairs on our watchlist. It is YOUR job to pick the ones most suited to your technical strategy and edge.
In-Dept Data Analysis
Central Banks rely on data. We are collecting and analyzing all the important data points for the central banks and determining where the market is going.
Focus on the Right Data Points
The economic calendar can trick you with too many data points. We focus only on the data releases that drive the price of a currency.
No. Macronomics is NOT built to provide signals. It is here to help traders easily navigate through the fundamental game of trading, find sentiment and help traders find the direction of currency pair. It is the traders job to interpret that and apply their own risk management and technical analysis into execution.
Macronomics is built by traders, for traders. We understand how difficult fundamentals are and how hard it is to navigate the sentiment in markets. Macronomics does exactly that. Reads excessive amounts of data and simplifies that to the trader in finding the highest probability trade based on data.
No. We will provide everything you need to understand the features of Macronomics and understand fundamental analysis.